Equity Valuation & Analysis

This website contains software, case materials, quizzes and other resources to be used in conjunction with the textbook Equity Valuation and Analysis, coauthored by Russell Lundholm and Richard Sloan.

Use the links on the left to navigate the site.

These resources are provided exclusively for educational purposes and are not intended to provide investment advice of any description including but not limited to recommendations or offers to buy or sell securities mentioned. We offer these additional resources free of charge, without support and with no expressed or implied warranties.

If you are an instructor and would like a sample copy of the book or you would like to request access to instructional materials to accompany the book, please send an email to c-suite@lundholmandsloan.com. Please include your full  name, faculty position, postal address and a link to your faculty webpage at your institution.

Recent Updates:

Aug. 2024: New case added "Name That Credit Rating" (see Case 19 on Cases page)

July 2024: eVal with data updated for SEC 2024 Q2 filings  (see "eVal 6 workbook with XBRL data" on Software page)

Jan. 2024: Analyzing Apple Case updated for 2024  (see Case 3 on Cases page)

Jan. 2024: New Quiz for Wingstop added (see Quizzes page)

Dec. 2023: New Non-GAAP Case Added "Will the Real Earnings Number Please Stand Up"  (see Case 28 on the Cases page)

May 2023: New Sixth Edition of Equity Valuation & Analysis now available (click here for details)

Teaching Note: Using Equity Valuation and Analysis to Understand the Recent Bank Collapses (click  here to download)

New Quiz for Zoom added (see Quizzes page)

Analyzing Apple Case updated for 2022 (see Cases page)

eVal workbook with SEC XBRL data through Q1 2023 now available (see Software page)

New case added "Charles Schwab and the End of Trading Commissions" (see Cases page)

New case added "Diagnosing Accounting Quality at eHealth" (see Cases page)